“…Irenaeus argues against those who display ingratitude by refusing to accept that they are what God has created them to be ‘men subject to passions’…but want to be even as God…They establish their own agenda for becoming what they want to be.
To become truly human, to become a god, man must allow God to fashion him...God never ceases from bestowing gifts upon the human being, nor does the human being ever cease from receiving these benefits and being enriched….following on from the basic dynamic of the relationship between Creator and created, is the need for created beings to respond to the creative activity of God by allowing themselves to be created, an attitude that Irenaeus characterizes as thankfulness.”
— John Behr
being & becoming: a conversation from jungian and orthodox christian perspectives
[Update: Our heartfelt thanks to all those who participated in this short but profound evening discussion. For those who wish to listen to it in its entirely, recordings available on Soundcloud of thediscussion, and of the Q&A afterwards. Partial video available on YouTube as well of thefirstandsecond parts.]
On March 28, 2018 from 6.30-9pm we are holding our second annual spring gathering at Union Theological Seminary in the Room 207.
In the 21st century, the question of what it is to be human has become central. Implicit or explicit, anthropology--understood as the exploration of being human--informs our understanding of who we are, how we treat each other, and where we look for, and find, deep healing.
Join us for what we hope will become an extended conversation between Jungian and Orthodox Christian communities on anthropology, on the role of the body and the incarnate world in our being, becoming, and relating, and how the depths of our psyches and the heights of transcendence can open us to ever deeper healing, life, and joy.
Evening Roundtable Discussion:
The Very Rev. Dr. John Behr
Archpriest, Orthodox Church in America; Fr. George Florovsky Distinguished Professor of Patristics, St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary
Dr. Pia Chaudhari
APOCC Co-Chair
Dr. Harry Fogarty
Jungian Analyst, Jungian Psychoanalytic Association
The Rev. Sean Levine
Priest, Orthodox Church in America; Chaplain (MAJ) U.S. Army; APOCC Co-Chair
Moderated by:
The Rev. Adrian Budica, ACPE Supervisor; APOCC Co-Chair
Michael Monhart, STM, Jungian Psychoanalytic Association; APOCC Co-Chair
We are delighted and grateful for the generous co-sponsorship of the above institutions!
“…individuation is an expression of that biological process – simple or complicated as the case may be – by which every living thing becomes what it was destined to become from the beginning. This process naturally expresses itself in man as much psychically as somatically.”